Monday, March 4, 2013

Filipino and Malaysian MAHARLIKANS

On the Sulu issue, it should not be Filipinos against Malaysians, it should be Filipinos AND Malaysians against ulterior political agendas from both countries, its certain politicians embedded by Corruption that gripped people far too long that the Free Peoples of Malaysia and Philippines should fight against. Tracing back in ancient history both were the same kingdom of Free Peoples (Malaysia came from "Malaya" meaning freedom and Maharlikan means Free People of our ancestors) before foreign colonizers subdued and deliberately divided our ancestors' kingdom into separated states to serve its agenda. The Free Peoples i.e. the MAHARLIKAN Filipinos and MAHARLIKAN Malaysians shall UNITE against the Corruptors and its puppet politicians from both countries that had far too long gripped and trampled our common heritage as a People. The modern ASEAN is a reawakening of our ancient heritage as the Peoples of Southeast Asia united for FREEDOM as they did for centuries, MAHARLIKAN ASEAN, more especialy the "FREE Peoples" Maharlikan Filipinos and Maharlikan Malaysians shall UNITE for FREEDOM and JUSTICE against embedded Corruption that had victimized and gripped far to long both their countries, corrupting its politics, suppressing the Peoples' glorious heritage, causing divisiveness, injustice, conflicts, strife.

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