Tuesday, November 19, 2013

vindicating the Marcos Last Will and Testament

The Marcos Last Will and Testament tend to assault the senses by its gargantuan contents. But the use of enigmatic aliases may signify invocation of authority that spanned thousands of years, its mind boggling figures seemed too spectacular, unbelievable even, but consider the host of historical and even cosmic events that would vindicate it, includng the 900 years worth of tremendous wealth brought by the later Maharajahs, the Maharlikan Royal Family from Sri Vijaya - Majapahit Empire that transplanted to the Maharlika lands during the late 15th century, the ancient gold trade traced back since the era of King Solomon, the treasures from various countries buried during WW2, even an ancient cosmic collision that occurred more than 250 million years ago as narrated in my Lemurian Tmeline research, as gold can only be created by extreme energy of Gamma Ray Burst that can only be produced by spectacular events as collision of heavenly bodies such as between neutron stars, and in this case the cosmic collision that caused the formation of Asteroid Belt as encoded in the myths of ancient cultures as the Sumerian and the Samal Tribe of the Maharlika lands.

The noticeable grammatical errors may be deliberate and possibly secret codes as mentioned by Wolfgang Jentsche, Managing Director of Commerce Capital Limited (Germany) during the Johnston Trial, from the e-book The Secret Gold Treaty by David Guyatte:

" It is not common but it is possible that as a further security measure the certificate of deposit may include other forms of coding. This may take the form of what would appear to be severe spelling or grammatical errors…This also has the advantage that anybody unauthorized dealing in that certificate would go back to the bank and it would enable the bank to deny all knowledge of it…" 

Lawyers and other concerned institutions of awakened Maharlikans, including the International Community should study the document thoroughly, that Humanity may be made Conscious and Aware, and to ultimately implement the SACRED and LEGITIMATE RIGHT and Heritage of every Freeman / MAHARLIKAN Human Being of the Mother Planet.

Having vindicated, the rightful  inheritors the reawakening Maharlikan Filipinos and Humanity be made Aware of the HERITAGE of a people possessing Great, Noble (MAHAD/R) Deeds, Work, Creation (LEKHA), the tremendous value of Gold being a Universal Currency even beyond the Mother Planet, the  Great Deeds of the Noble Creation, the MAHARLIKAN, shall propel World Humanity towards Interstellar Civilization and so fulfill his/her Destiny as written in the Stars. 


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