Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Announcement beyond expectation...

Had anticipated the NESARA (National Economic Security and Reformation Act, beware of fake version by Banking Cartel) Announcement last 9 September 2014 (the previous announcement attempt was 11 September 2001 on the World Trade Center, and it was attacked) that shall back the US dollar with precious metals Gold, Silver, Platinum over the fiat dollar of Banking Cartel administered Federal Reserve, with epic corruption by the latter that is losing credibility. On that day mainstream puppet corporate media did not announce any (obviously as it's manipulated by Banking Cartel / Global Elite and its vile agenda of microchip slavery against Humanity).


Went to an International Community social media group of Lightworkers and asked if it was announced. Someone replied to look into the Sun.

"Coincidentally" a friend took pictures of the Sun during those time with amazing shots. Scientifically speaking these may be result of massive Solar Flare. However,Physicist Nasseim Haramein once revealed and documented on video starships even the size of Planet Earth using the Sun as portal for space-time travel (definitely high technology) other than utilizing wormholes - then causing Solar Flares. Solar Flares are Scientifically proven to cause mutation of DNA as Light itself carries Data.

Amazing NESARA Announcement through the Sun and into each individual's DNA, admittedly exceeded beyond my expectation.

Link: Solar Radiation & DNA Cellular Mutations

photo by Sri Harri

photo by Sri Harri

MAHARLIKA Wealth through the Global Debt Facility shall redeem Humanity, and beyond...

Including Americans.

1 comment:

Ric Vil Hori said...

The Marcos documents are rendered NULL and VOID by the International Court of Justice to prevent its illegal use by dummy accounts. Pres. Marcos was Administrator. The Owner has Arrived and revealed in the Secret Book of Redemption of TREATY OF PARIS through DIVINE Highlights, prophesied by Christ more than 2000 years ago (Matt. 12:39-42) and RESOLVED by Supreme Court Resolution Nov. 28, 2012, the Queen of the South HRM Salvacion Legaspi Y Espiritu Santo (Divine Feminine) of Grandfather MAHARLIKHAN Tribe with One World DIVINE Government Kingdom Filipina Hacienda empowering with World landmark IPRA Law (Indigenous Peoples Rights Act) since Time Immemorial (including Bible Codes). GOD is Owner and shall manifest in Physical Being (1 John 4:2) with the Promise of the Holy Spirit (Divine Feminine) in the Last Days. These are the Last Days. Seek first the Kingdom of GOD (Matt. 6:33)