Thursday, November 12, 2009

my reply to albertus magnus

My personal reply to albertus magnus from

"Mitochondrial genetic studies proving the single
origin of modern
But civilization, the birth of agriculture or the domestication of animals
and plants or the transition from a hunter-gatherer lifestyle to an agricultural
society happened in the Eden in the East as Oppenheimer termed the Sundaland
during the last Ice Age. And the deluge or the rising of sealevels occuring gave
birth to various deluvial myths and motiffs on various cultures like the
allegorical Noah's flood.Various theosophists, masons, mystics, members of
esoteric circles have all believed in Lemuria, a sophisticated civilization, as
the Mu, or Motherland. Which scientists like Oppenheimer and Solheim equates
with Sundaland. Some occultists picture the extent of Lemuria even occupying the
expanse of Pacific ocean just like what visionarylink had posted. This could be
the etheric or even the astral equivalent or correspondence of the terrestial
Lemuria. So the first Lemurians were higher dimensional beings inhabiting higher
dimension or etheric Lemuria not yet fully physical beings as occultists say.
But sooner in the allegorical Fall of Man, they become fully corporeal carnal

Perhaps it would be a revelation to take a second look at the origin mythology of the Bagobo peoples, and with this, based on on the probable map shown by a certain society on Lemuria, the presence of Mt. Apo must have possibly helped in surviving a portion of ancient Lemuria. It should also be noted that Mt. Apo is home to some endemic flora and fauna species originally found only in the area, such as the orchid Waling-waling and the Philippine Eagle. Having trekked to Mt. Apo years ago, I did notice something strange because thousands of feet above sea level there was actually an intriguing spot where white sands similar to those found in the beaches abound, and so do limestone boulders. these may imply that many many years ago, a portion of the majestic peak may have risen from the seas.

I have also noticed among the Bagobo peoples, they were an intriguing mix of features, for other than the usual Malay look, some of them did manifest Caucasian phyical characteristics. The late mayor of Davao City during the 70's or 80's (I actually met him when I was a kid, and I remembered fully well his countenance), Mayor Elias Lopez was actually a Bagobo but he had seemingly caucasian features also, tall and light skinned. I did inquire with a Bagobo househelp about the caucasian features of some of their peoples and she replied "they (ancestors) were the original natives." When I saw her mother, she also featured light skin tone in contrast to her dark tone. Perhaps it may have something to do with the relation between genetic evolution and Consciousness. Among the indigenous peoples of Mindanao, one actually notices varied mix of ethnic features and could identify the brown, white, black ethnicity from among them. Individuals from the anthropological and historical fields from the country (just make sure not the usual local mediocre lackeys and apers for foreign interest) or from Asia and even from around the world, should give great attention regarding these, especially with the myth of origin by the Bagobo peoples and its possible link with ancient Sundaland, or Mu. Who knows, the discovery may hold clues to the missing key as to the origin of the world's tribes, and it's right over here.

Regarding the black race, I also made personal research and the ancient Sumerians narrated in detail their origin in south Africa and its relation to gold mines (there were recent discoveries of mining artifacts dated hundreds of thousands of years). I once read a little information that the ancient black peoples revolted from their slavery against the "gods." However, I believe the theory on Lemuria may still be very much older in scope.

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