The ancient knowledge of the Bagobo Peoples of Davao and Mindanao, preserved and nurtured through the ages their ancient claim that Cibolan River of Apo Sandawa, was the cradle of Human civilization, SHALL BE VINDICATED.
I had discovred from personal research that the term "Cibolan," remembered just as our Bagobo brethrens said they would, by its scattered children from Negros to as far as the American continent by the Native Americans, was a word not even originating from the latter, but from the language of the Dravidians of southern India and of our Pilipino ancestors!
"Cibolan" comes from the Dravidian / Pilipino root words civ-pola, meaning "golden city" or "city of reds."
The ancient Laguna Copperplate Inscription revealed that our ancestors had used the ancient, old Javanese language of Kavi.
The mystery is finally revealed, the distant liink between the Native Americans of the American continent, the Bagobo People's of Southeast Asia, and ancient India of South Asia are finally meet and my personal research has turned full circle, through the ancient languages of the Sri Vijaya Empire, Kavi!
Kavi, or Old Javanese is a branch of language that developed from the Dravidian languages of southern India!
Pola in Pilipino language, means "Red". Gold in its state of high quality, is reddish in color.
Dravidian languages are spoken by about one-fourth of all Indians, overwhelmingly in southern India. Dravidian speakers among tribal peoples (e.g., Gonds) in central India, in eastern Bihar, and in the Brahui-speaking region of the distant Pakistani province of Balochistan suggest a much wider distribution in ancient times. The four constitutionally recognized Dravidian languages also enjoy...
•Indic writing systems (in Indic writing systems)
A southern form of Brahmi developed into the Grantha alphabet, from which in turn the writing systems of the Dravidian languages of southern India (e.g., Tamil, Malayalam, Telugu, and Kannada) as well as the writing systems of the Sinhalese language of Sri Lanka, the Khmer and Mon languages of Southeast Asia, and the Kavi, or Old Javanese, system of Indonesia were developed. The Thai writing...
However, the Native Americans pointed the direction to the Spanish Conquistadores that ancient Cibola, the City of Gold, the fabled El Dorado, to the north of presently known Mexico. How could the Bagobo Peoples dare to claim that ALL tribes in the World originated from Cibolan River of Mt. Apo, when Davao is riduculously too far away from "north of Mexico" ?!?
Ridiculous indeed, or so it seemed...
...Until one clicks on the previous blogs:
Did ancient Humanity Originated from the Foothills of Mt. Apo?
Of Davao's cibolan River, American Indians, and "Golden City"
Further Proofs for my "Cibolan Theory"
1 comment:
Sources on everything stated here, please. As far as linguistics is concerned, Bahasa Kawi is a literary language under the Malayo-Polynesian language family. Dravidian is a different language umbrella. Dravidian languages might have had influence over it as any other Southeast Asian language, but Kawi is heavily more Sanskritized. The connection between Kawi as being loaned into Old forms of many Philippine languages and Dravidian languages featuring a term call civ-pola being assumed to be the etymlogy of the Bagobo Cibola is too far-fetched. They're all subject to conjectures given that there is a different city named Cibola which is presumed to be associated with Atlantis.
Do you have independent references that tell of such relationships?
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