Thursday, June 12, 2014

Revealing a hidden meaning of the Philippine Flag

Many weeks ago after we created the facebook page Maharlikha Consciousness Awakening Interactive, an American visionary lady from the Pleiadians Group page in FB posted a sketch of one of her visions. The scene portrayed perspective scenery of a hallway between opposite walls. The walls were profusely embedded with symbolic figures of “eyes”. On one wall were eyes colored in fiery Red, the other with Bluish. The hallway in 3-dimensional view formed a triangular perspective, its floors virtually cracking from the intense interaction between the walls with awakening "eyes" in polarizing colors.

To the inquisitive Filipino, the intriguing sketch would be familiar, for the visionary scenario captured the composition of the Philippine flag with its blue, red, white, and more...

Confiding with the visionary lady between the connection of her sketch and the Maharlika (Philippine) Flag, she expressed surprise and amusement as she was not that familiar with other countries’ flags, considerably with the Philippine Flag. She is however, a Pleiadian enthusiast. The Pleiadians Group also used another intriguing symbolic figure on the homepage, with a central Sun and 3 sets of stars on the edges of a triangular frame. The mystery further revealing, this also portrayed similarity with the Philippine flag repetitively as not to be merely dismissed as “coincidental”.

The Pleiades Star System was neither unknown from among Maharlika ancestors and Indigenous peoples that was referred to as Moroporo, Molopolo, Mapulon, and by the era of Spanish occupation, as "the Rosary". Reference to the seven sisters (also alluding to the Pleiades Star clusters) were also mentioned in some of Maharlika myths. More prominent and unique in the belief systems of our Maharlika ancestors was the veneration of Higher Dimension entities known as Diwata.

The discovery of an antique document known as the Laguna Copperplate mentioned of the Chief of Medang (in present day Indonesia) as representative of the Chief of Diwata in Butuan, Mindanao Island of the Maharlika lands (Philippines). The copperplate was dated at 900AD, further revealing that the seat of power of the Empire (Medang was then part of the Mataram Kingdom and the empire by that time was the Sri Vijaya) was located in the Land of Free Peoples, the Maharlikhans.

Reviewing back to the visionary sketch of the hallway between two walls, these seem to intriguingly allude with a unique architectural gateway from the courts and palaces of the Hindu – Buddhist Majapahit Empire of South East Asia that became the World’s richest by the turn of 14th Century.
By the end of the 15th Century as Muslim influence from Malacca spread throughout the region, the Empire's loyal subjects the craftsmen, teachers, priests, etc. transplanted towards Bali, Indonesia that they also referred to as Pulau Dewata or “island of the gods”. The Maharajahs of the Majapahit Empire however, transplanted to the Kingdom of Maharlika ("Hacienda Filipina" in Mother Title) that comprised the Royalties of Sri Vijaya – Majapahit Empire, the Sultanate of Sulu and the ancient Kingdom of Butuan that dated to as far as the era of King Solomon. The rest was then history, for the Land of the Free Peoples was then colonized and abused by Dark Cabal agenda, its people subdued and subjected to hardships and struggles, mediocrity and ignorance to its once glorious Heritage suppressed, in a country referred to as the Philippines.

However, such cannot remain to be the case. As the vision shall ultimately fulfill, the Reawakening Maharlikhans / Filipinos shall rise again, and as with the vision the impregnable halls shall crack with those Awakening who together shall fulfill his/her destiny and ultimately be FREE, and with the Free Maharlikhan / Filipino shall be the Free Humanity.

Already the grip of the Global Elite that had caused much hardships to the Nation is crumbling as its corrupt fiat money economy is reeling to its downfall by its epic corruption. Recently the vile agenda of Global Elite to trigger World War 3 was confounded by the sudden appearance of an Extraterrestrial Pleiadian spaceship that virtually rendered all the World's weapons system obsolete that prevented further conflict. The ship crew were said to mention "New Jerusalem", which was said to be in reference to the LAND OF PROMISE of Maharlika / Philippines.

Hence, the ancient Motherland of MU / Lemuria and its most grandiose, most powerful nation of Maharloka shall reawaken once again with the Free Peoples, the Maharlikhans for it alludes to the Starry realms and shall propel Free Humanity towards Interstellar Civilization.

The interim Republic of the Philippines and all world governments are on de facto status after 250 years from the 1764 Treaty of Paris. By Rule of Law of Sovereignty with Grace of GOD there is now Legitimate One World DIVINE (Interstellar / Interdimensional) Government Kingdom Filipina Hacienda with Christ prophesied (Matt. 12:39-42) Queen of the South HRM Salvacion Legaspi of Grandfather MAHARLIKHAN Tribe, Redeemer of Treaty of Paris for REDEMPTION and SOVEREIGNTY of World Humanity with the ONLY "Miracle of Jonah". This is in contrast to the Illegitimacy of New World Order (NWO) infiltrated by Dark Cabal with agenda to Destruction (WW3) / Slavery (biometric 666 Corporate Slavery) against World Humanity.

World Humanity stand up for SOVEREIGNTY of our Mother Planet with Legitimate DIVINE Government KFH the Sovereign Host Nation, Holder of World Territorial Jurisdiction HACIENDA FILIPINA in the Treaty of Paris, the Principality of GOD's Ownership of the Universe.


Anonymous said...

Fascist crackpot.

Ric Vil Hori said...

that's FREE Humanity's legacy, unless you ain't Human (or less Human frequency) and ain't free. So what will that make you, Slavist kettle?

Ric Vil Hori said...

I mean "slavery kettle". Duh.