The map is based on possible location of Mu/Lemuria during the Paleozoic Era around 250 Million years ago, and prior to Continental Drift of the land mass Pangaea. Massive Geological changes occurred through the Ages that eventually became the present locations of modern maps, with the archipelago of Maharlika / Philippines that ultimately formed as remnant of ancient Motherland MU / Lemuria approx. 60-50 Million years later through the Geological process of Subduction.
This is a milestone in my personal research. But will consider it as Speculative. there are still probabilities as Many Worlds Theory, Parallel Dimensions, even Synthetic Universe.
Will call it Ric Vil Hori's Research on Lemurian Timeline from Paleozoic Era and up to the Present:
The Map of MU/ Lemuria as shown, manifested the legendary supercontinent in contemporary with the Pangaea supercontinent during the Palaeozoic Era more than 250 million years ago and prior to the Permian-Triassic Extinction Event and the Continental Drift. The early inhabitants of Mu/Lemuria were a hermaphroditic race as narrated by the ancient knowledge of the Indigenous B'laan Tribe of Mindanao Island, Philippines and also by the ancient Greek philosopher Socrates as narrated by Plato. Mammalian species evolved only in the later Cenozoic era.
The Permian-Triassic Extinction Event occurred about 250 Million years ago after a complex series of conflicts ensued between Lemurians and another Alien race (said to be Dracos) as narrated by Mindanao's B'laan Tribe and by Socrates, which resulted to genetic splicing of male-female genders, relegation, lowering to denser dimension with the eventual involvement of another force, as narrated by Mindanao's Samal Tribe with its genesis, by ancient Sumerians, and the interplanetary collision as interpreted by Zechariah Sitchin and Immanuel Velikovsky. I highly suggest that the catastrophic formation of the Asteroid Belt may have occurred during this era, which may partly explain the presence of carbonaceous component found in C-Type asteroids manifested during the planet's Carboniferous Period about 360 to 290 million years ago prior to the collision. The catastrophic Extinction event nearly extinguished almost all life during this era, also known as the Great Dying. Surviving Lemurians may have escaped deep underground, with fragments of the Lemurian continent still existing. Other species such as coelacanths, cockroaches, also survived.
The Continental Drift occurred spanning 225 to 65 million years ago and Pangaea gradually transformed into the present day continents to heal the "wound" that destroyed a large portion of the MU supercontinent caused by the collision, through the wonders of gravity by the "Planet's Core Consciousness" similar to how in microcosmic level spherical shaped water behaves in zero gravity. In this light, the Expanding Earth Theory should be refuted.
New species began appearing, which was further enriched by water from priori-Mars after its front surface was bombarded by fragments from the catastrophic collision, as narrated by Mindanao's Manuvu creation mythology and interpreted by Velikovsky (minus his erroneous timeline). The first mammals appeared (and later evolved into apes) during the Triassic Period about 245 to 208 million years ago and flowers began appearing during the Cretaceous Period about 146 to 65 million years ago.
The Cenozoic Era approached about 65 to 1.6 million years ago. The Philippine archipelago began forming through the geological process Subduction (mostly during the Cenozoic -Tertiary/Quaternary Period starting about 65 million years ago). Mindanao Indigenous People's Mythology narrated Human Creation with Addan and Eba who were Created to be MAHARLIKA, meaning Noble, FREE CREATION (Earth Humanity being borne both from Evolution and Creation). Homo sapiens fossilized teeth aged 400,000 years ago were discovered. The remaining fragments of Lemuria sank sometime about 15,000 - 20,000+ years ago in consonance with the galactic wide phenomenon known as the Photon Belt, with sunken remnant of a possible ancient Lemurian city eventually found in Yonaguni, Japan during the 20th Century in the year 1987, also edifices such as the Gunung Padang Pyramid in Indonesia dtaed as much as 20,000 years old or more, Nan Madol in Micronesia, Banaue Rice Terraces in Philippines, the Moai statues of Easter Island, etc.
The article also confirmed my previous personal research between the ancient ancestors' commercial ties with King Solomon's kingdom some two millennia ago.