Sunday, January 29, 2012

Personal Researches on Lemurian Timeline

This is a milestone in my personal research. But will consider it as Speculative. there are still probabilities as Many Worlds Theory, Parallel Dimensions, even Synthetic Universe.

Will call it Ric Vil Hori's Research on Lemurian Timeline from Paleozoic Era and up to the Present:

The Map of MU/ Lemuria as shown, manifested the legendary supercontinent in contemporary with the Pangaea supercontinent during the Palaeozoic Era more than 250 million years ago and prior to the Permian-Triassic Extinction Event and the Continental Drift. The early inhabitants of Mu/Lemuria were a hermaphroditic race as narrated by the ancient knowledge of the Indigenous B'laan Tribe of Mindanao Island, Philippines and also by the ancient Greek philosopher Socrates as narrated by Plato. Mammalian species evolved only in the later Cenozoic era.

The Permian-Triassic Extinction Event occurred about 250 Million years ago after a complex series of conflicts ensued between Lemurians and another Alien race (said to be Dracos) as narrated by Mindanao's B'laan Tribe and by Socrates, which resulted to genetic splicing of male-female genders, relegation, lowering to denser dimension with the eventual involvement of another force, as narrated by Mindanao's Samal Tribe with its genesis, by ancient Sumerians, and the interplanetary collision as interpreted by Zechariah Sitchin and Immanuel Velikovsky. I highly suggest that the catastrophic formation of the Asteroid Belt may have occurred during this era, which may partly explain the presence of carbonaceous component found in C-Type asteroids manifested during the planet's Carboniferous Period about 360 to 290 million years ago prior to the collision. The catastrophic Extinction event nearly extinguished almost all life during this era, also known as the Great Dying. Surviving Lemurians may have escaped deep underground, with fragments of the Lemurian continent still existing. Other species such as coelacanths, cockroaches, also survived.

The Continental Drift occurred spanning 225 to 65 million years ago and Pangaea gradually transformed into the present day continents to heal the "wound" that destroyed a large portion of the MU supercontinent caused by the collision, through the wonders of gravity by the "Planet's Core Consciousness" similar to how in microcosmic level spherical shaped water behaves in zero gravity. In this light, the Expanding Earth Theory should be refuted.

New species began appearing, which was further enriched by water from priori-Mars after its front surface was bombarded by fragments from the catastrophic collision, as narrated by Mindanao's Manuvu creation mythology and interpreted by Velikovsky (minus his erroneous timeline). The first mammals appeared (and later evolved into apes) during the Triassic Period about 245 to 208 million years ago and flowers began appearing during the Cretaceous Period about 146 to 65 million years ago.

The Cenozoic Era approached about 65 to 1.6 million years ago. The Philippine archipelago began forming through the geological process Subduction (mostly during the Cenozoic -Tertiary/Quaternary Period starting about 65 million years ago). Mindanao Indigenous People's Mythology narrated Human Creation with Addan and Eba who were Created to be MAHARLIKA, meaning Noble, FREE CREATION (Earth Humanity being borne both from Evolution and Creation). Homo sapiens fossilized teeth aged 400,000 years ago were discovered. The remaining fragments of Lemuria sank sometime about 15,000 - 20,000+ years ago in consonance with the galactic wide phenomenon known as the Photon Belt, with sunken remnant of a possible ancient Lemurian city eventually found in Yonaguni, Japan during the 20th Century in the year 1987, also edifices such as the Gunung Padang Pyramid in Indonesia dtaed as much as 20,000 years old or more, Nan Madol in Micronesia, Banaue Rice Terraces in Philippines, the Moai statues of Easter Island, etc.


ramones said...

wow! magnificent!! mind twisting is this real?

Ric Vil Hori said...

if I recalled right the ancient Lemurian continent once composed of 7 subcontinents or sub-kingdoms and the most powerful of them all was the kingdom of Maharloka. This ancient knowledge is deeply embedded within us and our ancestors and awakened with the term Maharlika, in which our country was known in pre-colonial times as the kingdom of Maharlika.

European secret societies must have known of it all along, and so shall be with us who are awakening this time that should be for our and Humanity's benefit.

Anonymous said...

Not sure if people here are condescending...

or idiots...

Ric Vil Hori said...

Then refute and prove otherwise, or turn out eating your own words. The theory can be proven. I posted it once on a science forum to test its veracity and was able to defend it even as far as the Martian phenomenon, except for a tiny glitch of a few letters where I mentioned silicon instead of silica while defending the narrative by our Indigenous Maharlikan ancestors of an ancestry of possible olden civilization dating back to as far as pre-mammalian era in the Paleozoic era; there were also discussions regarding fossils that I can refute anyway.

Ric Vill said...

the recent discovery of basaltic asteroids further provide proofs to the discussions here. Basaltic rocks may only occur in larger bodies as planet with volcanoes.

Anonymous said...

Well done!

Ric Vil Hori said...

Thanks :)

Anonymous said...

nice... :-)

Anonymous said...

This is interesting. So "Maharlika" goes further than Marcos :)

Ric Vil Hori said...

much further, more likely as old as the Creation of Addan and Eba in Mindanao in the Land of Free People, for Humanity was Created to be NOBLE / FREE CREATION, to be MAHALAGA / MALAYANG NILIKHA, to be MAHARLIKA.

Unknown said...

Maybe...just maybe Philippines dont have monumental stone structures coz they have great understanding about nature they live one with nature. opinions?

Ric Vil Hori said...

The Philippine archipelago is remnant of the Great Land of MAHARLOKA, the most powerful nation in MU / Lemuria prior to the sinking of Sundaland - Kumari Kandam land masses during the Pleistocene Era approx. 15,000+ years or more. Most of the magnificent structures and population were most likely destroyed and submerged, while the present Philippine Archipelago was horrendously pushed upward, which may partly explain presence of linestone rocks thousands of feet above sea level such as on hills below Mt. Apo. If there were ancient structuress then there's less chance of surviving intact. But archaeological evidences are already resurfacing such as the Gunung Padang pyramid in present day Indonesia that dated 20,000 + years, the Moai structures in Easter island and sunken city of Yonaguni, Japan. In Maharlika the Banaue Rice Terraces shall be testament as even the Ifugao natives were amazed of huge stone structures the size of carabao's underneath its foundations. With such a megalithic food basket structure capable of feeding a huge population, the mystery is where could such an urban location be. From personal researches the fabled Cibolan (City of Reds/ Gold) of the Bagobo Peoples may hold the answer. Even the Native Americans remembered of legendary place as the 7 Golden cities of Cibola. Could it be that a certain city may had remained on the surface while the rest vanished beneath the seas? In the World landmark Indigenous Peoples Rights Act (IPRA Law), there was only one ancient city mentioned. Further clue may be found thousands of kilometers in Micronesia, of an ancient structure of similar built like the Indonesian pyramid, called Nan Madol.

Unknown said...



mr7digit said...

Lemuria, Mu, Sundaland, were all the same landmass. Others have also talked about a landmass in the pacific island that sunk beneath the ocean. There are plenty of myths and legends referring to an ancient forgotten civilization and only a few of their descendants remain today. Sundaland was part of the Asian continental shelf that was exposed during the last ice age. This was roughly 12,000 years ago. Similar to the speculations of the late Philosopher Plato and the late psychic Edgar Cayce who both give times periods of around 9,000-10,500 bc.

Sunda Shelf archaeology project:

Not much is known as to who originally inhabited the sunda shelf over 12,000 years ago, or if it was even inhabited for that matter. What is known is that many cultures have a profound belief that a flood wiped out a past civilization and virtually erased it off the face of the earth. Only remnants of this advanced culture remains and a few of their descendants live today...Could this have been ancient Sundaland that was talked about so much in the ancient texts? If this a fact, then it would prove that Plato was correct and that the late psychic Edgar Cayce who wrote a lot about Atlantis, Lemuria, and lost civilizations, wasn't actually a fraud..

Edgar Cayce's theories on past cultures and the true origins of Haplotype B:

Congressman Donelly's writings regarding Atlantis and theories of plato:

There are also archaeologists who have gone looking for this forgotten land and have wrote books, even some have drawn maps depicting what it actually looked like. Perhaps these maps were done before we had more knowledge about the climate of the earth at the time, or able to use satellites to look at the land.

James Churchwards sacred symbols of Mu:

This links should have a map drawn by churchward himself, depicting what he believed to be the sunken continent at that time(we now know that map is a false representation because with the technology we have today, we have discovered that their was no large landmass smackdab in the pacific ocean.

Churchward's map was an exaggerated depiction of the S.E. Asian peninsula which was exposed in the ancient past. James Churchward was on the right track, but he seemed to be more concerned with the legend itself, and not its whereabouts. Notice that the sunda shelf is infact, an extended version of the S.E. Asian peninsula, whereas James Churchward's mu(mu and sundaland being the same) is a giant continent in the middle of the ocean. It has been proven that Sundaland existed, but no giant continent in the pacific. except maybe Australia, but he depicted Australia in the map alongside mu, correct? so mu wasn't Australia according to Churchward's map

mr7digit said...

Now i wanna go a little bit into the Ancient monuments in this region. The largest and probably the oldest of the Ancient sites is Angkor Wat located in Cambodia(also a part of the S.E. Asian peninsula). It is believed that Angkor Wat, the largest temple complex in the world, was built by the Khmers, and is no older than 500 years. But I seriously doubt it and here's why. Number one is the fact that the history of India and that region as a whole, consisted of war and famine. and when there was peace, it was only short lived. It could've been anyone besides who history says built it, because of the facts i've laid out already. again, I'm no expert in this field and I don't claim to be, but I'm aware of history.

Number two, is that when you look at the markings on the statues and the stonework, its all eroded by water. It doesn't take a rocket scientist or even a college graduate to see the actual water erosion on the stones, or the moss and plants growing from it. To me, it indicates that Angkor is much older than 1500 ad and that it could possibly be linked to my topic regarding the Sunda shelf which was exposed 12,000 years ago. I'm not jumping to conclusions and saying that Angkor was built when the sunda shelf was exposed(12,000 years ago), but I would be foolish to dismiss that theory. it could turn out to be more than theory. there are more monuments in this region.

mr7digit said...

I also wanted to discuss another topic which i think is relevant to the topic brought up about past cultures. Atlantis, the mythical city that the late Psychic Edgar Cayce, and philosopher Plato wrote about. acoording to Cayce, Atlantis was a continent and not a chain of islands. It existed in 10,500 bc. before a time where history was recorded, or I should say that we did not record this forgotten era in humanity...Plato said that Atlantis existed in 9,000 bc, was a seafaring nation, and relied heavily on livestock(brahmanical castes of India???) This date is not far off from the late Edgar Cayce's predictions of 10,500 bc. Cayce also wrote about ancient technology and vimana(ancient aircraft) before this topic was even discussed in the western world, and was only a mere myth in India and Asia. And before any begins to bash me on the subject, the answer is yes. I believe their could've been technology 8,000 years ago. the reason I say this is because, These people had way more time to develop these kinds of inventions that we used today, and we know that an advanced culture existed in the past and was wiped out. So isn't it a bit stupid to ask "where's the proof?" It doesn't take aliens to build pyramids or to build a jet. all it requires is the resources and manpower.

mr7digit said...

Atlantis was a mythical tale of a continent located in the Atlantic ocean in 10,500bc. it belong to an ancient culture that is believe to have thrived for hundreds of thousands of years. they used crystals to power the cities so they had working lights before benjamin franklin harnessed electricity. They had working aqueducts and manipulated the environment to their liking, so its safe to believe they planted crops, grew livestock, developed culture and writing, pottery, etc...So where did they go, and where the hell did atlantis go. I want to get into that. Not much is known what happened to Atlantis, or if it was nothing more than myth. What is known is what Edgar Cayce and Plato wrote. also other myths regarding lost civilizations

mr7digit said...

The Philosopher Plato wrote that Atlantis was wiped out in one single day by a cataclysm in the past. The Gods sunk the entire continent into the ocean, destroyed the empire and leaving it to be forgotten to time.

Edgar Caye's views are quite similar, but he discussed it on a much larger scale than Plato. Egdar Cayce even claimed to be in touch with the ancients who lived there in the distant past. He did readings on people that claimed they had dreams of past lives, and that they were linked to the ancient continents of atlantis and mu. he was told by past lives that Atlantis was an advanced race that was very spiritual. they possessed advanced technology that they used to power machines, electricity, they even were said to have aircraft and maybe computers. they were destroyed by the misuse of their own technology, and the island continent was left inhabitable. the ones who stayed died, and the ones who left went on to influence uncivilized ppl in other parts of the world and migrate to preserve their own culture. He wrote much more on this subject, but much of it is in the form of spiritual writing. I wont delve into that part much, but some of it is relevant to the topic that was brought up...

mr7digit said...

The late psychic Edgar Cayce believed in a theory of root races.

According to theosophist by the name of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky who wrote a book in 1988 called "The Secret Doctrine", The 1st root race was ethereal, consisting of only etheric matter. they reproduced similar to amoeba. this is when all life was primordial soup. The second root race lived in hyperboria, and was golden yellow. they lived in a tropical climate. The 3rd root race, the lemurian was black. They lived in the indian ocean, australia, and the south pacific islands. It is believed that they lived alongside dinosaurs 100s of thousands of years ago and that their descendants are African, aboriginals, and dravidians. This is when humanity began to breed the current way we do now by having sex. The fourth root race was atlanteans which are a subrace of lemurians. it is believed that their descendants are Amer-Indian, mongloids, and caucasians. they eventually migrated to the americas. The 5th root race is Aryan. they are descendants of Atlanteans. It is also noted that she states that the semetic races(or the descendants of past root races) will become "spiritually degenerate" and that descendants of lemurians are semi-animal.

Personally, I don't believe in this mumbo jumbo written by a wacky clairvoyant who believes she can predict what occurred in human history. And furthermore, I was lost when started bringing up Aryans and ether...

mr7digit said...

I want to leave that subject alone and talk about another subject. Whether or not Atlantis and Lemuria truly existed and are more than just myth. The Mahabarata which is an ancient indian text almost mirrors some of what Edgar cayce and plato wrote about. The Mahabarata discusses ancient wars that wiped out entire civilizations, that these people were using technology on par, if not greater than our own. It is also said (and this is very important to what im getting at) that in the past, we possessed nuclear weapons. If we are to believe that Lemuria(sundaland) and Atlantis(a later branch of lemurians who also lived during the same era) were the most advanced civilizations in the history of the earth, we can assumed they had knowledge of nuclear physics, we know they had knowledge of the climate, seasons, the path of the stars(no aliens!, this is how they were able to predict the seasons of the earth not make a star gate lol). So this would prove the Mahabarata and the ancient extinctions stories described in the Bible and other texts are true..

mr7digit said...

If Athanasius Kircher's map of Atlantis turns out to be true, then it's possible that Atlantis couldve been sunk beneath the ocean because theres no continent in the atlantic ocean, But here's why I cant completely buy that. an expedition was done in the 60s to the mid-atlantic ridge, researchers were able to find fossilized fresh water animals and fossilized plants, at a surprising depth below the sea. they also discovered evidence of ancient riverways and lakes. This is where i'm gonna get into the theory of plate tectonics. it is believed that 400,000-250,000 years ago, there was a landmass located in the Atlantic ocean right on top of the mid-atlantic more evidence to the fact that fossilized fresh water fish and fossilized plants found on land, were discovered beneath the ocean close to the mid-atlantic ridge. According to geologists, the landmass begin to become unstable and break into pieces around 250,000-110,000 years ago. parts of the continent floated away from one another, other parts were taken by the mid atlantic ridge(which was the cause). by this time, there wouldve most likely have been one large landmass and a few smaller landmasses that survived the cataclysm. this is the atlantis we have come to know. about 110,000 years-12,000 years ago, atlantis finally begins to sink beneath the ocean floor and forever forgotten...But I dont fully believe this and heres. why.

Based on Athanasius Kircher's map of Atlantis, it vaguely resembles a continent that is currently located in the north sea. Greenland to be exact. perhaps greenland is a remnant of the lost continent which was broken up by tectonic activity 100s of thousands of years ago, and floated to its current location close the the pole. If we flip Kirchers map the opposite direction, it resembles earth even more. You can clearly see the coasts of Europe, West Africa, The eastern parts of the americas, and even south america. And when you put a photo of Greenland directly over Athanasius Kircher's map of Atlantis and flip it 180 degrees, it fits perfectly!

Ric Vil Hori said...

H-World of Tiburcio Villamor Marcos with code TVM-SLM-666 is already rendered NULL and VOID and his name specifically mentioned on page 142 in ASBLP File 2012 and prohibited from transacting.

by RULE OF LAW and Laws of GOD, the DIVINE Government is now with Christ prophesied Queen of the South HRM Salvacion Legaspi Y Espiritu Santo (Divine Feminine) with Kingdom Filipina Hacienda - Autocratic Sovereign Monarchy (KFH - ASM) as RESOLVE by Supreme Court (Nov. 2012) and revealed in Secret Book of Redemption of Treaty of Paris through DIVINE Highlights ( Matt. 12:42).

Ric Vil Hori said...

mr7digit for archaeological evidence of Lemuria refer to the Nan Madol in Micronesia, the Banaue Rice Terraces (mediocre mainstream data referred to it as thousands of years but it could be more than ten thousand years as its base were huge boulders the size of carabao) Gunung Padang Pyramid that's carbon dated 20,000+ years and more likely existed since Pre-Diluvian era of sinking of Sundaland.

Philippines is remnant of Lemuria. While Sundaland sank the country rose up and I observe there are geological sightings that would prove this.

mr7digit said...

Ric Vil Hori Nana madol should be a testament to the fact that South East Asia was home to an advanced civilization over 12,000 years ago. If Nan Madol had existed over 12,000 years ago, then it wouldve been apart of the Sunda shelf which was exposed during the last ice age. Same goes for Angkor in cambodia, and borabudor temple in indonesia. these monuments, I believe were built during the time when the sunda shelf was fully exposed. Graham hancock has written several books regarding angkor and its alignment with the stars which occurred according to him, in 10,500 bc. The last time Nan Madol may have been fully above water was probably over 12,000 years ago based on the geological evidence I've presented. Sundaland was actually lemuria. and ancient continent located in the pacific, with a tropical climate, biogeographic diversity, and an ancient culture which onced lived there. the sunda shelf fits this idea of lemuria quite perfectly in my opinion and the location os the sunda shelf is a bit more believable than a continent located smackdab in the pacifie ocean. and even if theyre were a continent larger than africa in the pacific ocean, then it would also give more evidence to my theory of plate tectonic activity which may have contributed to its destruction. These shelves work like conveyer belts whcih could swallow up entire landmasses. Nan madol is a temple created from volcanic rock. The easter island moai may have also been linked to the sunda shelf 12,000 years ago. I believe this is a major clue as well.

Ric Vil Hori said...

these personal researches and complied info about the links between Nan Madol, Banaue Rice Terraces, Gunung Padang pyramid, and possible ancient city in Cibolan (Davao) may interest you.